Monday 24 May 2010

Arowana aquaculture

Arowana fish, including families "ancestor", ie Osteoglasidae or families of fish "BONY-tongue" (bony tongues), because the base of the mouth in the form of bone that functions as a gear. Arowana thinking about various nicknames, such as: Fish Dragon (Dragon Fish), Nightlife, Saratoga, PlaTapad, Kelesa, siluk, Kayangan, Peyang, Tangkelese, Aruwana, or Arowana, depending on the place.

The shape and appearance Arowana including beautiful and unique. Body elongate, slender, and the "stream line", with very elegant swimming movements. Arowana in nature has a variety of colors like green, silver, or red. In the lower lip there are two antennae that function as a vibration sensor to determine the position of prey in the water. These whiskers are included in the assessment criteria of beauty fish.

Arowana substantial growth potential, especially with high protein content within the feed. Arowana growth in the aquarium reaches 60 cm, whereas in the wild reaches more than 90 cm. Type of South American Arowana can grow up to 270 cm.

Arowana is a fish swimming above (surface feeder), is shown by betuk mouth. In the wild they swim near the surface to hunt for prey. Arowana can accept all types of feed for carnivorous fish, but often they are so very fond of one type of feed only, and reject the other type. As the fish hopper, wild Arowana can catch insects that perch on the twig surface height of 1-2 meters of water. So maintaining the aquarium should be covered properly.

Arowana is a tough fish that can live up to half a century. High demand with limited availability of natural causes in the exploitation of nature is limited. CITES (Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna) determined that fish Arwana Asia as a fish who gets the highest protections. Various types of Asian Maya, among others:

1. Red

Red arowana originated from various places in West Kalimantan, such as from the Kapuas River and Lake Sentarum known as the habitat of Super Red (Chili and Blood Red). These waters is an area of peat forests that create a primitive environment for these ancient fish. But the condition of minerals, peat water environment (black water), and the number of adequate food reserves have been conditioned better influence the evolution of the respective colors on the fish. Geographical influence also led to the creation of different variations of the morphology of this fish, such as a wider body, the head of a spoon-shaped, red warnah a more intensive and more concentrated dasaryang color.

Full red color appeared on the young fish fins, the lips and whiskers. By adulthood, the red color will appear in various parts of the body, especially on the gill cover and suburban scales, so that the body of the fish looks red.

Red arowana grouped in four varieties, namely Red Blood (Blood Red), Red Chili (Red Chili), Red Orange (Orange Red), and Red Gold (Golden Red). The four varieties are generally given the nickname Red Super Red or First Grade (First Grade Red), although in its development, referring to the super red over Red Chili and Red Blood. While the last two varieties are more often regarded as super red with a lower grade.

Physical characteristics of both types of morphology has been seen while still young so it can be used as guidelines in distinguishing the two varieties.

Red color development between Chili and Red Blood known also different. The time difference in the achievement of full red color is 1-2 years. But both varieties through the stages of development that is relatively the same color through orange color transitions. Some have colored pale red arowana up to eight years, then changed to a full red within a month. Predicting the potential for red Arowana requires patience and effort that gained from the experience and patience.

Red Varieties Orange (Red Orange) is one of the varieties which are common. At the time of her adult scales show the color orange. Compared with Chilli Red and Blood Red, fin and tail is not as red as the two varieties.
Red Gold (Golden Red) is the other color varieties which are common in addition to red orange (Orange Red). This variety is a variety with the lowest grade. After adult body color is golden yellow. Colors are not as red as lips and fin super red, but pink or pink.

2. Golden (Cross Back, Cross Back Golden, CBG)
Golden varieties is part of a cross back golden arowana varieties. This variety is found in many places in Malaysia, such as Perak, Trengganu, Bukit Merah Lake and Johor. Therefore, they are often given nicknames according to their places of origin, such as the Golden Pahang, Bukit Merah Blue or Malaysian Gold. Referred to as cross back, because this variety has a gold color when fully grown up through his back. This variety is more expensive price is relatively high even compared to most others because it includes rare.

CBG is divided into several classes based on the basic color scales, namely-Based Purple (purple base color), Blue-Based (primary color blue), Gold-Based (the basic color of gold), and Silver-Based (silver base color). Arowana Gold with a gold base color is known to achieve full color at a younger age than other varieties.

3. Golden (Red Tail, Red Tail Golden, RTG).
Verietas from Golden Arowana is often referred to as the Golden Arwana Indonesia (Indonesian Golden Maya). This variety is found in the area of New Week, Sumatra. Unlike the Cross Back Golden (CBG), a gold color on this verietas will not grow up through the back but it will only reach the fourth row of scales (scale rows counted from below, abdomen), or better able to reach the fifth row. Like verietas cross back, the basic color scales could RTG blue, green, or gold. Similarly, lip color, tails, and fins, both of these varieties have the performance is very similar. Young RTG has more color varieties dull compared to cross back young.

RTG may be said to be more durable than the CBG can grow larger, and also more aggressive. The numbers in the wild is relatively higher than in CBG, nevertheless remains a CITES protected varieties.

CBG glimpse of golden arowana fish similar to red that comes from our country. A very significant difference can be seen if the size is rather large fish with a size of 20 cm more. At CBG gold color covers the entire body down to the fish's back is covered by a golden ring. While in the Golden Red (RTG) was not back. gold-colored but still black (gray).

Distinguishing CBG and RTG on the small size (10-12 cm) is difficult and necessary caution. Price differences are also very striking. CBG size 12 cm price appreciated more than 10 million, the size ranges from 15-25 million 20-25 cm. Golden red size 12 cm rewarded 2 million, while the size of 20-25 cm appreciated 2.5-3.5 million.

4. Green Arowana
Green Arowana is found in Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar, Komboja, and also in several places in Indonesia. Penampakandan color variations can be found in each region. Nevertheless, in general we can say that in general the pattern of gray-green view of dark stripes on the tail. Head and mouth larger and more rounded than the other types of Asian Arowana.

5. Banjar Red
Banjar Red Arowana may be regarded as a red variety known class 2 and is not a pure strain red arowana. Appearance is indicated by pale orange color of the fin, tail, orange or yellow, and has no red color on the body or on his cheek. At first glance very similar Banjar Pink Pink with Maya, so this can not uncommon to outwit the new hobbies. Banjar is also characterized by a rounded head shape that tends to the mouth that is not too lanci

If the hesitation in choosing the arowana, take one that has been experienced in maintaining or buy arowana arowana that has been certified and have a valid certificate.

6. Spotted jardini VS RED PEARL
Arowana Irian (jardini) there are two kinds. Most common base color of green and red bermutiara. Other jardini basic types of color and black and gold bermutiara more difficult to find.

In Australia, also found jardini first type (basic colors of green, red pearl), which called red pearl spotted (Scleropages leichardty). Cross back and golden red, red and pearl spotted jardini is relative, with environmental differences that affect performance.

A very significant difference was spotted on the red pearl, red pearl studded prominently on his body. While on the pearl arowana jardini semencolok body not spotted red arowana pearl from Australia. Price jardini (pearl red, green primary color) with the range of 12-15 cm sale price of 60-80 dollars, while the red arowana spotted a rare pearl in Indonesia because of 1.3-1.5 million rupiah appreciated.

Arowana resistant to attacks of various diseases. But sensitive to changes in water quality, especially on elevated levels of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate.

Water parameters.
pH. Arowana can live in a wide pH interval. However, it is suggested that they were maintained in accordance with the original conditions in nature that is in the range of pH neutral to slightly acid soils (pH 6.0 -7.0).

Hardness. Arowana originated from waters with low hardness, therefore, recommended to maintain this hardness in the range (GH 8 °). Silver Arowana can live on GH range 4-10.

Temp. Arowana recommended to be maintained at the temperature intervals 26-30 ° C. As with other types of fish, avoid sudden temperature changes. Sudden temperature changes can cause shock to the fish concerned, and can trigger a variety of problems. Temperature is too high for long time been known to cause gill cover roll, this would be very menggangggu beauty of the fish.

Lighting. Preferably in bright areas without direct sunlight.

Arowana fish which are not included difficult to maintain, just need some time every day or several hours each week to maintain and check the condition of fish and their environment. Some things to consider in maintaining Arowana:

1. Pool
Arowana parent maintenance should be performed in a pool. soil. Location for the pond needs to

Soil type is both Nat argillaceous soil that can hold water and support the growth of natural food.
Differences in the degree of slope between revenue and expenditure lines maximum 1%.
Water supply that meets the quality, quantity and continuity is needed.

Swimming is the ideal rectangular shape with a minimum size 10x10m2. Pond preparation before planting, namely:
#Draining the pond until the base was cracked
#Reversal of the pond, dike repair
#Calcification with a dose of 50-100 g/m2
#100 cm-high water Perngisian

Heavy rain can cause sudden changes in water quality. To prevent the death of fish, replace the water (after rain stopped) at least 30% of the total volume of water.

2. Aquarium
For ornamental fish, arowana can be kept in the aquarium. Generally speaking, the bigger the size of the aquarium will be the better, because Arowana requires a fairly wide latitude. Minimum of three times the size of aquarium fish length with width 1. Five times the length of the fish. The aquarium is placed in an area away from distractions, to avoid stress on fish. Cover the aquarium with a tight lid and strong because Arowana can jump or push the lid out of the aquarium.

After a 4-month-old Arowana, maintenance began to be done separately in an aquarium size of 75 x 45 x 45 cm to avoid fighting between fish. 2-3 Maintenance Arowana fish in one aquarium needs to be avoided, given the aggressive nature will cause fights. Yet tail allowed maintenance of six at a time, because the aggressive nature of Arowana be greatly reduced.

To stimulate the release of colors are nice and the formation of chromatophores, artificial lighting should be given a minimum of 10-12 hours per day. Avoid ignition of the blue light, which can cause panic that hit a glass fish or other objects within the aquarium and the fish become injured. Manipulation of lighting is often the color of the fish can cause rebound better. Place the lamp on the front of the aquarium, and set corner reflectors in such a way so that it can provide an optimal reflection. Many lighting options are sold in the market with varied spectrum, full spectrum lighting will naturally reflect the color, natural color of fish.

At 6-7 months after the fish can swim freely, reaching 20-25 cm in size and can be marketed.

Nursing Akuariurn
As a carnivore, arowana will produce relatively large amounts of dirt with a high content of nitrogen element. Therefore, the levels of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate in the aquarium arowana often becomes a problem.

Replacement of water done to improve the water quality has declined due to the many fish excrement. Therefore, in replacement of water using the siphon system (using a water hose) at the same time to remove the remains of fish feces and dirt on the glass. Replacement water is fairly carried out two or four weeks and do not need all the water is replaced but quite a number of 30-50% of the total water. It should be noted that the temperature and pH of the water replacement should be relatively the same as the aquarium water. Avoid the occurrence of fluctuations in water quality when making a replacement water.

Along with the replacement water is also cleaning the mechanical filter media used.

Live feed is the main food for arowana species including carnivores. Food that is given should be varied to reduce the risk of certain nutritional deficiencies.

Some type of feed that is often given to the Arowana fish live, live shrimp, pieces of fresh shrimp, pieces of fresh fish, meat, insects (crickets, cockroaches, centipedes), worms / caterpillars (silk worms, earthworms, blood worms, caterpillars hongkong) and frog.

The use of live feed needs to be preceded by adequate quarantine measures to prevent entry of germs. Especially coming live feed or live in water, such as shrimp, fish, or frogs. Avoid giving insects or frogs die, unless you are absolutely sure no insecticides derived from contaminated areas.

Before providing live feed, feed the body parts that may injure the fish's mouth must first be removed. Like cockroaches and crickets hind legs, or rostrum (spines on the head) of shrimp. Can also feed these live attenuated before administration to the fish, in order to avoid "chase" excessive in a narrow aquarium space. Arowana are experiencing excess food in the long term, will lose their appetite for several days even weeks.

Artificial feed is the composition of the mixture with sufficient nutritional needs for growth Arowana with how to train and get used to Arowana want to eat it.

Separation Techniques in Small Scale Cement Pond

1. Maintenance Association
Parent reared in ponds measuring 5 x 5 m with water depth from 0.5 to 0.75 m. Pool closed as high as 0.75 m plastic to prevent the fish jumping.

The room was built at the corner perkolaman spawning and supplemented with a few logs to give the impression of nature. Stones and pebbles can be avoided because it can injure the fish or inadvertently mixed feed.

Rearing ponds built in the area quiet and closed some, and kept away from direct sunlight. Parent reared in the rearing ponds until you reach the gonads mature.

Water Quality Management
Water quality was maintained in order to approach the natural environment that is pH 6.8 to 7.5 Arowana and temperature 27-29 C. Replacement of water carried as many as 30-34% of the total volume with water deklorinisasi.

Nutritional balance is essential for gonad maturation and spawning. Parent awarded varied diet that contains high protein content. Feed given each day in the form of fish / shrimp live or runcah, and plus the pellet with 32% protein content. Amount of feed per day is 2% from total body weight.

Gonadal maturation
Mature gonads occurred at the age of 4 years with a body length 45-60cm.
Spawning occurs throughout the year, and reached its peak between July and December. Male parent in nature will keep fertilized egg in her mouth until two months when the larvae begin to swim.

Arowana females have a single ovary containing large ova 20-30 with an average diameter of 1.9 centimeters with a different maturity. Adult male parent also has a vital organ like the testis.

Sex Differentiation
Juveniles are difficult to distinguish gender. Differences will emerge after 3-4 years berukur fish.

Gender distinctions in mind through the body shape and wide mouth. Arowana males have more slender body and narrow mouth larger and more conspicuous than the females of color. A wide mouth with large cavities used for the purpose of egg incubation. Another difference is the size of the male head relatively larger, more aggressive nature, including the seizure of food.

Spawning Habits
Arowana is very unique behavior during the introduction of other types. This period lasted for some weeks or months before they begin to mate. This can be observed at night, when fish swim near the water surface. Arowana male chasing the female around the pond, sometimes the pairs form a circle (nose to tail facing couples).

Approximately 1-2 weeks before spawning, the fish swim side by side with alternating body attached. Tempers release some reddish orange eggs, males fertilize eggs and then collect telurdi mulitnya for incubated until the larvae can swim and hold his own. 80-10 mm diameter and egg yolk-rich eggs and hatch about a week after conception. After hatching, young larvae live in the mouth of the male up to 7-8 weeks until the yolk is absorbed completely. Larvae escape from the mouth and become independent after 45-50 mm body size.

2. Larvae Harvesting
Incubation of eggs normally are required 8 weeks. To shorten the time, the fertilized egg can be removed from the mouth of one month after spawning males. Male parent was captured with very careful with fine mesh and then covered with a damp cotton towel to avoid rebel and wounded fish.

To release the larvae from the male parent's mouth, gently pull the bottom of the mouth and the body is pressed lightly. Larvae were collected in plastic containers and incubated in an aquarium. The number of larvae that can reach 25-30 individuals.

Breeding Techniques
Once removed from the mouth of males, larvae incubated in an aquarium measuring 45x45x90 cm. Water temperature 27-29 ° C using the heater thermostat. 5 ppm of dissolved oxygen (mg / I) using a small aperture aerator.

To prevent infections caused by handling of the larvae, in Acriflavine 2 ppm of dissolved water. Using this in vitro seeding techniques, Survival Rate (SR) that got up to stage the fish can swim is 90-100%.

During the incubation period, larvae need not be given feed. During the first few weeks of egg yolk has not been discharged, usually the larvae are almost always located at the base of the aquarium. Larvae began to swim upwards gradually decreases when the size of the yolk. At week eight, the yolk is almost absorbed so that the larvae began to swim out in the horizontal direction. At this stage, the first live feed should be given to prevent larvae from each other When the larvae reach 8.5 cm in size or age of 7 weeks, the yolk is fully absorbed and the larvae can swim freely.

Larvae Rearing
Additional live feed that can be given as blood worms or juveniles appropriate size Arowana mouth opening.
Larvae that had reached a length of 10-12 cm can be given food such as freshwater shrimp or runcah small to offset the growth speed.

Transportation Engineering
Arowana when agitated easily do the "jumping" or hit-hit. If one just off the scales will look less beautiful. Can lead to torn and broken fins.

Body that can regenerate damaged, but may also be cacatdan reduce the appearance of beauty, let alone there are things that can aggravate his injuries (eg infectious, slow-growth scar / delay). For that Arowana need to be disabled in order not to be revolted in the process of moving between the aquarium and long-distance transportation. Anesthetic dose dependent arranged purposes. For long-distance transportation, Arowana can not be paralyzed because of rebellion but not upside down and still know how to swim. Transfer between Arowana aquarium using light dose, which vital Arowana can not rebel.

1. Pre-anesthetic preparation:

#Arowana Puasakan for 1-2 days.
#Length of fasting depends size, type and pooping habits Arowana (smooth or not). The bigger the size of Arowana then the longer time of fasting, to avoid vomiting or issue kotoran.
#Prepare the water storage that has been teraerasi least 24 hours.
#Arowana conditions not experienced respiratory problems, found no abnormalities on the gill cover.

Tools and materials:

* Plastic with a width throughout the body arowana.
* Container vessel to place a plastic bag containing Arowana
* Fresh water, water that has been aerated who meet at least 24 hours. Avoid other chemicals are dissolved.
* Materials: Aquadine "liquid

Implementation Procedure:
Capture calm arowana in the aquarium with a plastic bag.
Enter the anesthetic liquid plastic approximately 1 cc / lt.
When you've seen can not jump, lift the plastic bag.
Notice if necessary add more liquid anesthetic to
lose consciousness until Arowana become inverted, wait a few minutes of anesthesia reactions.
Keep Arowana always submerged in water, to avoid bloating.
When it did not struggle, consider closing the gill movement must be seen to move. (In less than five minutes, arowana getting nervous and lost my balance and not much moving. As part of his body weight who are at the top, then began to reverse Arowana. Her body began to rigid / spastic. Watch movement, particularly movement who indicates the existence of gill effort to breathe.
For the purposes of photos and measurements, lift to a place that has been prepared and do it as quickly as possible, if too long out of water could be bloated.


* Put back into the aquarium with water that contains no other chemicals. Keep under running water, in water near the surface.
* Maya began to sober up, take care not to knock things around him.
Side effects:
* Drugs without a dilution of about arowana scales irritates mucous membranes and cause allergies in some people.
* When Arowana bloating, can be prepared solution of dry almond leaves parents poured in an aquarium, water level lowered the temperature is raised. Arowana are characterized bloating can not dive into swimming dasardan nungging.
* If too deep anesthesia body movements usually begin rare, likewise gill movement. Deeper anesthesia reduces muscle spasms, such as gills and also no movement, the fish are in a floating position. To fix this add fresh water to dilute the drug dose or in ceburkan to a clean tank under running water.